3 of Wands - a break-through moment(-ous)

Listen to me read this offering here:

Offering for the Full Moon occurring on 18 September 2024 (AEST)

A person stands with their back to the viewer, on a mound of rippling ground. They are positioned between three tall wands that are planted into the earth, and hold onto one of these wands with their right hand. They look out across a yellow sea, where 3 sailing vessels and land on the opposite shore can be seen. They wear a white headband, a long red cloak, as well as a green shawl and black and yellow check sash over the top of armour that can be seen on their exposed right arm.  A clear yellow sky makes up the vast top three-quarters of the scene.


The III of Wands from the Rider Waite Smith tarot

‘Two’ energy suggests a couple, a pair, or twins; so some sort of symbiosis and balance. At the same time, ‘two’ can speak to duality - opposing forces that hold tension, or that encourage a choice to set things in motion.

Either way, today’s card as a three, breaks through the stability or building pressure.

What tells you that something is on the verge of release or about to take its first steps out? How is balance, tension and release experienced in your body-mind?

‘Three’ is the new thing that is created and emerges from the union of 2 - it’s a unique and complete 3rd thing. 

In the context of the wands, which is inherently energetic, vibrant, fiery, and passionate, this may speak to a breakthrough action, creative impulse, or movement that takes you toward a desired goal.

Where have you been focussing your energy or goals lately - in the domain of relationships, creative projects, health, work, spirituality …? Where do you feel “on the verge”?

Rachel Pollack calls the 3 of Wands a “gate card” - one that symbolises a metaphorical opening into a new passage. The scene in its entirety certainly evokes a threshold moment: the figure’s stance, and position between the wands which are firmly planted in earth, the gaze over an open sea and sky, at the day’s edge …

Is it sunset - day’s end? or sunrise - day’s beginning?

Chronologically, a three suggests that whatever has emerged is in its early days, so you might only be aware of glimmers, or suggestions of the new thing. Just like in the card image - it's impossible to tell from this viewpoint what the tiny ships in the distance carry or their purpose - and whether they’ve just set sail or are coming to shore.

But it feeeeels like there is something quite big, vast, even mysterious happening. 

The clue that this could be a bigger moment than it appears is not just the cinematic scope, but how the person in the image looks so put together. Almost ceremonial.  They aren’t dressed in their comfy, everyday, utility smock. Armour+Robe+Sash+Shawl+Circlet says, “I’m prepared, I’ve worked to acquire this finery, I’ve been through it, and hold some success and recognition for it”

What have you been cultivating or pulling together? 

It’s good to remember that the minor arcana (i.e. the suit cards) reflect everyday occurrences and mundane life. So it might be difficult to recognise how this new thing could possibly signify an archetypal threshold moment that opens up your world.

As such, whatever this breakthrough is, it might feel like an “ah-hhhh”, but it is perhaps setting in motion what could be an “AAH-HHHHH”.

You just can’t quite fathom it yet.

Mendy xx

Rachel Pollack, 'Seventy-Eight Degrees of Wisdom. A Tarot Journey to Self-Awareness' (new edition, 2019)

Knight of Pentacles - Hold your horses


Knight of Wands - Man on fire