This page is dedicated to providing you with practical information, practices, and tips to help you navigate everyday life with grace, ease and confidence. This is where I’ll keep a list of my favourite things - books, online courses and resources, and practitioners and teachers of health and healing. Keep checking back as I’ll add to and tweak the library over time. If there’s anything you’d like to see here, drop me a line with your idea or question for the page.
Jack Kornfield – “A Path with Heart: The classic guide through the perils and promises of spiritual life”
Thich Nhat Hanh – “Peace is every step”
Pema Chodron: “When Things Fall Apart” & “The Wisdom of No Escape”
Richard Rohr “Falling Upward”
Thomas Moore '“Care of the Soul”
Linda Graham “Bouncing Back: Rewiring your brain for maximum resilience and well-being”
Rick Hanson “Hardwiring Happiness”
Russ Harris “The Happiness Trap”
Jeffery E. Young & Janet S. Klosko “Reinventing Your Life “
Peter Levine “Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma”
Joan Boresenko “Minding the Body - Mending the Mind”
Tyson Yunkaporta “Sand Talk. How Indigenous Thinking Can Save the World”
Christopher D. Wallis “Tantra Illuminated”
Anodea Judith “Eastern Body, Western Mind”
Donna Eden “Energy Medicine”
John and Julie Gottman “The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work”
Esther Perel “Mating in Captivity: Unlocking Erotic Intelligence”
Alaine de Botton “The Course of Love”
Benebell Wen “Holistic Tarot”
Jessica Dore “Tarot for Change”
Yoav Ben-Dov “The Marseille Tarot”
* This books resources post contains affiliate links, meaning I get a small commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links (at no extra cost to you). I will always suggest first trying to buy from local independent sellers, second hand sellers, or from friends and libraries first, before purchasing from large multi-national companies.
Julia Cameron “The Artists Way”
Elizabeth Gilbert “Big Magic”
Sharon Blackie “The Enchanted Life”
Clarissa Pinkola Estes “Women Who Run with the Wolves”
Helen M. Luke “ The Way of Women”
Marion Woodman & Elinor Dickson “Dancing in the Flames. The Dark Goddess in the Transformation of Consciousness”
Maureen Murdock “The Heroine’s Journey”
Amy Weintraub “Yoga for Depression”
Bo Forbes “Yoga for Emotional Balance: Simple practices to relieve anxiety and depression”
Donna Farhi “Bringing Yoga to Life”
Sally Kempton “Meditation for the Love of It”
Swami Satyananda Saraswati “Asana Pranayama Mudra Banda”
The Stages of Change Model was originally developed 30 years ago by psychology researchers James Prochaska and Carlo Di Clemente* to address addiction behaviours. But it has become transtheoretical in its application across many motivations toward change.
What I like about it is that it first appears as a series of steps (simple and appealing for the logical mind that likes straight causal lines! - but it’s a trick!). But, just like the cycle of initiation, The Transtheoretical Stages of Change is at its core, a non-linear and spiral process.
… Remember, you cannot hold all of the Initiated Woman Archetype. She represents the energies of all the selves and others who have been INITIATED - who have gone through Passages, been transformed by the process, and have entered into - begun a new phase of life.
My invitation is for you to tend to your world and experiences through imagination.
When I work with people - 1:1 or in groups - I’m guiding them to explore this way, and value this way of knowing. I do this by encouraging sensing into the body, and using tools or other stimuli like old stories, anecdotal evidence including personal stories, the tarot, and dreams to activate the imagination. Or like I’ve shared today - noticing what’s coming forward in your world.
Having “other mothers” and “other fathers” means that we are not so reliant on the prototype of a nuclear family to have all of our needs met.
This is a place you return to regularly, so that over time you know it and it also knows you. So you notice the small and grand shifts of season, weather, occupants.
Androgyny is about de-identifying as one or the other - to do away with duality - more both-and. To heal the divide that happens between these opposing forces, you can start by acknowledging how the split lives within you, and acts through you.
This describes a non-linear process of thinking or extra-cognition, as opposed to linear or hierarchical thinking that’s valued by science and modern systems. While thinking based on Western traditions might consider this way as disconnected from reality, for indigenous people this was a constant state of being. It just was
It can be more meaningful and accessible to sync with the smaller ebbs and flows of natural cycles. More regular honouring, review and reflection may offer ways to ensure energy and action is expressed in more meaningful and sustainable ways.
What Myss is suggesting here is that we don’t choose to step on the spiritual path or a journey of transformation…
We’re a little more than a week into the new year, a time that much of the world celebrates the turning point of an old year into the new…
Some time ago, I wrote a piece on using Breathe as Resource, as an inner resource that you can immediately turn to and utilise to help calm or activate your energy and recalibrate your nervous system…
I’ve been thinking quite a bit about death lately. I can see this has come about as in my regular mortal life I’m feeling my ageing for a number of reasons…
Today I’m going to *touch* on what is a pretty big topic. At least it is for me personally, and seems to be big for the people that come to me for therapy, guidance or healing…
In an earlier topic where I wrote about the Window of Tolerance, I talked about how moving out of reactive arousal states of fight /flight/freeze or collapse, requires…
One of the most powerful resources we have on our journey towards becoming conscious and living a soul-led life, lives in our capacity to notice and really see what is happening before us…
One of the most helpful things I teach my clients when they first arrive (or not too long after) is what’s going on energetically when they’re experiencing big emotions…
I recently listened to an interview with Jungian analyst James Hollis, discussing his new book on resilience. It was one of those interviews that was rich with wisdom and you could certainly listen to it over again, and come away with something new and pertinent to present-moment-life each time…
I've had a morning ritual for about 10 years. To wake up and have my own little system in place became something that I just had to do. For the longest time, it was non-negotiable…
The first 2 parts of this blog series were about laying foundations for doing the practical stuff that I’m going to share with you today. So far I’ve described…
In the first part of this blog series I shared how important it was to give yourself permission to take time for yourself, and to create space through setting boundaries. How did you find that? If you started to make some space, you might have found yourself filling it once more with things that don’t feel very essential or meaningful. …
In this blog post series, I’m going to share with you how to set limits around your time and reconnect to what’s important so you have more energy and inspiration to create and do the things that bring you energy, vitality and joy…
Full Moon Tarot
I’ll sometimes hear people say something like “at least now I know”. The rising clouds reveal what was previously obscured. It doesn't make the hurt go away, but perhaps the break in tension allows an ease in pressure in your weather system. The storm breaks so the tears can flow. It can be cathartic.
In the image of The World, the figure’s nakedness is central, and also natural. It speaks to discarding all that is unnecessary and superficial. A reminder that the things and ways that we might identify as “How or Who I am” often bear little resemblance to a more honest Self that hides beneath.
He’s certainly the least vital of all the Knights and in a role that represents movement, he and his horse do seem to be standing pretty still! But I know people in my life who seem to embody many of the qualities of this Knight. They’re intelligent, but often just need more time to come around to things, and see value in “measuring twice and cutting once.
Chronologically, a three suggests that what emerges is in its early days, so you might only be aware of glimmers, or suggestions of the new thing. Just like in the card image - it's impossible to tell from this viewpoint what the tiny ships in the distance carry or their purpose - and whether they’ve just set sail or are coming to shore. But it feeeeels like there is something quite big, vast, even mysterious happening
When you’re trying to bring a new attitude into the world as a new action or behaviour, early efforts to express this might fall short or over-shoot initially.
This should not be taken as discouragement, but a sign to keep going - consciously. To develop, refine and mature the rawness into something that can take you in a new exciting direction.
Is the prone, prayerful figure alive or dead? This is my immediate curiosity, and noting some confusion about it. The complete lack of human colouring doesn’t suggest ‘alive’ but then yellow isn't typically associated with lifelessness or death.
This openness to the possibilities and taking a beginner's mind is at the heart of making change in your life which is what many of us desire, right? - to break old patterns and get unstuck?
While this significant ending needs to be given it's just time and gravitas; our lovely dancer also seems to be arriving! A new beginning.
Ceremonies and rituals, are symbolic acts that honour important moments and take us out of the inner-personal-individual focus that can be a breeding ground for narcissism or loneliness, and into a deep knowing, that you are a part of something Greater, including part of a community. Sounds so good, right?
I’m drawn to the regalia adorned by the Emperor, and ceremony implied in the image - and am curious how these symbols within the archetype have potential for transforming self doubt.
This is one of those cards that for many people there's an immediate understanding of what’s being signified. That the person is carrying too much, and carrying it awkwardly or inefficiently. A classic case of over-doing…
I can almost hear the kerfuffle too… can you? Listen … The clack-clack of wands bumping into each other, voices rising and falling and talking over each other, the shuffle-shuffle of feet, the huff-puff breath … argy-bargy.
My sense is underlying any fear-frustration of doing something new, is shame. No one wants to look like an idiot and be subject to ridicule. Shame stops us short, shuts us up, and shuts us down. But, behind anyone who’s ever taken a risk, and tried something new, is either the willingness to look silly, or not caring that much if they come off looking awkward.
Often times of difficulty, and personal or collective crisis requires a silencing of all the voices and distractions that can dull clear thought and sharp instincts. But rather than escape, a middle way could be temporary retreat.
It’s interesting that the most prominent and intriguing aspect in this moons card - the hand holding the cup, emerging from the cloud - is what seems least interesting to the main human character.
In this way, the purpose of being focussed, organised and attending to details is to produce a rich harvest. Something of substance, that serves to nourish and support you and others in the long run. The notion of harvest also encourages a stopping of work, proper rest in ritual celebration of what’s been achieved, i.e. not collapsing from exhaustion merely to start again tomorrow.
Three 6’s in a row seems significant enough to capture my curiosity and inquire into it. Moving beyond the stability-rigidity of 4’s, and the change-conflict in 5’s; the winter season of 6’s can suggest a return to some harmony-indulgence.
The triangular arrangement and attitude of each player speaks to broad, stable social structures that maintain some people/organisations/ institutions to hold onto particular prosperity-power dynamics. Paradoxically, perpetual one-sided giving or receiving is not sustainable. Either reciprocity becomes the norm, and / or …out come the scales.
What’s key here is respite, not escape. Because the swords - represented here as troublesome immovable thoughts - are going along for the ride, and fixed (stuck) in the belly of the boat. … A bit like ‘baggage’, you’re taking these swords/thoughts/beliefs with you. You’re not denying them, you just need break.
Insomnia and sleep disorders are a vast a varied issue that requires a multi-pronged review. But when it comes to a mind that’s laying on a 9 sword load of heavy thoughts, particularly if they’re unsolvable, or they’re world-other problems, then giving up the anxiety of the fight through some form of acceptance and detachment from them can help in the moment.
Psycho-spiritually, transformation and healing can happen when we’re able to synthesise opposites or reconcile differences that occur within us, or between us and the outer world; like, this-that, self-other, good-bad, right-wrong, light-dark, conscious-unconscious, body-mind, masculine-feminine etc.. So it’s not so much about choosing one way or thing, and not the other, but by seeing what arises as both unite.
… with this type of insidious, shadowy and mesmerising force - a softly, softly approach will not cut it. You have to meet it with an equally powerful and drastic measure to rid yourself of it.
… when we place these superhuman ideals of what a father is, on everyday human fathers, then we as individuals in a child-father dynamic might have felt anything from mild, to extreme deficiency in the relationship if father didn’t meet up to the ‘expectation’.
… on one hand, there is much that is beyond your control, and on the other, the choices you make matter. How you use your power can make a difference to you and others. So if you were even for a moment to observe your domain from a higher plane, take an expanded all encompassing impersonal (God-like?) view, your choices and actions might take a different flavour.
So the priestess … is not trying to grapple back power or gain acceptance by embodying sanctioned masculine qualities of physicality, force and logic. This dark feminine is the conscious feminine aspect of Self that works within the quiet, mysterious and unconscious realms. Less doing, more being. Less out there, and more in here.
How you behave in words and actions during conflict teaches you about the health and responsiveness of your nervous system, and your boundary style. If you’re not conscious of that, how you are during conflict can be a direct reaction based on your conditioning, wounds or traumas, rather than the circumstances in front of you today.
… With 3 generations being depicted in the image, you’re also being asked to step back and take a deep time perspective. Where you can observe from your higher mind, a longer and wider view of family and where you – at this point in time - are in the mix.
At certain times I find that inspiration and ideas seem to come all at once. There’s a build up of creative energy ... and depending on your mindset, this can be invigorating OR overwhelming. But, as wands are connect to the element of fire, this raw creativity needs to go somewhere, lest inspiration and ideas fizzle from lack of attention, OR the sparks rise up into a fire that burns out of control…
Emotional resilience develops as you learn to 1) tolerate the discomfort of the difficult emotions, for a time, 2) without becoming stuck in victimhood, grief, despair, rage or hopelessness, and 3) make moves to begin again, in a new direction making new connections, with new skills or attitudes.
Most of us are conditioned to “play nice”. As children we were discouraged from saying “no”, pushing back or arguing. At the same, compliance is rewarded with being told how we’re being such a “good boy/girl” or are so “easy” or “quiet”. This card can be a reminder that there are times that taking a stand is vitally important for your sense of self and your individuation. Especially if deep within, you know what right for you.
Back in 2019 ~ 2020 - I didn’t know it then, but I was crossing my major mid-life threshold. Popular culture would call it a “midlife crisis”, but that term has become an unhelpful stereotype that’s linked to scrambling for lost youth, and men with red sports cars. I’ve found out that for women, mid-life is shrouded in shame, mystery, misinformation, denial or fear. However, I’ve come to experience my time here to be vital and transformative.