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An offering dedicated to the inquiries of the unconscious.
Upcoming Offering
Initiated Woman Gatherings - January 2025
For five weeks, we will learn, experience, and discuss the different ways to develop the Initiated Woman within—an archetype that will allow you to step forward from a place of knowing, confidence, and wholeness. We will build the foundations of strength, awareness, and practical resources that will fortify the greater work of re-storying hurts and trauma, giving greater context to our stories, and (re) initiating through the life passages.
What are the Rites of Passage?
The Rites of Passage are the different stages, thresholds, life chapters, or lessons that girls and women traverse throughout their lives. The rites of passage symbolise the particular tasks, lessons, and skills important to learn for each phase of a woman’s life development - and help facilitate changes through shifts in values, attitude, perspective, focus and how to act and relate.
Moving consciously through these Rites helps each girl or woman prepare for the challenges of that age, know her place and value, and inform direction and purpose. They also provide the foundation for the life she will re-enter into and the later passages.
“The psyches and souls of women also have their own cycles and seasons of doing and solitude, running and staying, being involved and being removed, questing and resting, creating and incubating, being of the world and returning to the soul-place.”
Join the email list and get instant access to:
Rites of Passage Workshop
Rediscovering the Cycles of Life
45 minutes
Women’s Rites of Passage E-Book
An introduction to a new perspective on Women’s RItes of Passage.
The 13 Passages Workshop
The Cycles of Initiation for Girls & Women
40 minutes
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Dr. Mendy Neralic
Dr. Mendy Neralic is a clinical psychologist, yoga teacher, grandmother, and emerging crone. Her work is about supporting and guiding people through metamorphic change, and she wants this personal transformation to have a greater effect of rippling out into community and eco-cosmology.
Dr. Mendy consciously lives by the mantra and quote by Angeles Arrien, “I walk the mystical path with practical feet” - as she blends and mixes her foundations in traditional psychology and neuroscience with depth, archetypal and cross-cultural psychology and somatic therapies. She infuses these with embodiment and the wisdom and practices from various spiritual and religious traditions, yoga philosophy and esotericism, including energy medicine, mysticism, Tarot, dream work, folk stories and mythology.
Dr. Mendy is an initiate of Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes-Reyes and is dedicated to carrying forward the work of helping women embody their wild and true natures through each of her offerings.