Full Moon Tarot

Sam Kaczur Sam Kaczur

II - The High Priestess - "I know"

So the priestess … is not trying to grapple back power or gain acceptance by embodying sanctioned masculine qualities of physicality, force and logic. This dark feminine is the conscious feminine aspect of Self that works within the quiet, mysterious and unconscious realms. Less doing, more being. Less out there, and more in here.

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Full Moon Tarot Sam Kaczur Full Moon Tarot Sam Kaczur

5 of Swords - Win-Lose

How you behave in words and actions during conflict teaches you about the health and responsiveness of your nervous system, and your boundary style. If you’re not conscious of that, how you are during conflict can be a direct reaction based on your conditioning, wounds or traumas, rather than the circumstances in front of you today.

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Full Moon Tarot Sam Kaczur Full Moon Tarot Sam Kaczur

10 of Pentacles - Legacy

… With 3 generations being depicted in the image, you’re also being asked to step back and take a deep time perspective. Where you can observe from your higher mind, a longer and wider view of family and where you – at this point in time - are in the mix.

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Full Moon Tarot Sam Kaczur Full Moon Tarot Sam Kaczur

8 of Wands - Don’t think!… Just do!

At certain times I find that inspiration and ideas seem to come all at once. There’s a build up of creative energy ... and depending on your mindset, this can be invigorating OR overwhelming. But, as wands are connect to the element of fire, this raw creativity needs to go somewhere, lest inspiration and ideas fizzle from lack of attention, OR the sparks rise up into a fire that burns out of control…

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Full Moon Tarot Sam Kaczur Full Moon Tarot Sam Kaczur

5 of Cups - Mourning

Emotional resilience develops as you learn to 1) tolerate the discomfort of the difficult emotions, for a time, 2) without becoming stuck in victimhood, grief, despair, rage or hopelessness, and 3) make moves to begin again, in a new direction making new connections, with new skills or attitudes.

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Full Moon Tarot Sam Kaczur Full Moon Tarot Sam Kaczur

9 of Wands - Resilience

Most of us are conditioned to “play nice”. As children we were discouraged from saying “no”, pushing back or arguing. At the same, compliance is rewarded with being told how we’re being such a “good boy/girl” or are so “easy” or “quiet”. This card can be a reminder that there are times that taking a stand is vitally important for your sense of self and your individuation. Especially if deep within, you know what right for you.

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Full Moon Tarot Sam Kaczur Full Moon Tarot Sam Kaczur

2 of Swords - Discern

Beyond being a fancy way of saying ‘choose’, discernment suggests a high level of nuance and consideration of facts, values, effects and outcomes. To discern requires time for contemplation and a capacity for deep listening.

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