Full Moon Tarot

Mendy Neralic Mendy Neralic

XII The Hanged Man RX:  Disorientation to reorientation

The huffy hands-on-hips stance seems to embody this! Being huffy is a very understandable attitude to being unfairly treated - as an initial reaction. But if you remain tethered to that way of seeing, you risk becoming and staying embittered. Stuck in being a victim of your circumstance.

The old saying made famous by Byron Katie - “Would you rather be right or would you rather be free” - is a hard pill to swallow sometimes.

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Mendy Neralic Mendy Neralic

Queen of Wands - lover of life

Her way of femininity also feels very androgynous to me.

Unlike the other Queens who embody more distinct feminist traits, the Queen of Wand’s boldness, extraversion, directness, and loudness (I hear her voice as deep, clear and resonant) places her comfortably holding masculine energy.

Even the element of fire is symbolic of action, so masculine. Even her face, while beautiful has an angularity that leans androgynous.

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Mendy Neralic Mendy Neralic

6 of swords - cut your losses

Often we can get stuck in a situation, or stay in a bad job, relationship, or habit for longer than is good for us, because the alternative doesn’t look any better. Or at least the outcome of a move isn’t clear. We don’t want to make a bad decision. What is clear though is that the situation can’t continue - you just have to GO..

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Mendy Neralic Mendy Neralic

3 of Swords - sharp relief

I’ll sometimes hear people say something like “at least now I know”. The rising clouds reveal what was previously obscured. It doesn't make the hurt go away, but perhaps the break in tension allows an ease in pressure in your weather system. The storm breaks so the tears can flow. It can be cathartic.

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Mendy Neralic Mendy Neralic

XXI - The World - How to pilgrimage

In the image of The World, the figure’s nakedness is central, and also natural. It speaks to discarding all that is unnecessary and superficial. A reminder that the things and ways that we might identify as “How or Who I am” often bear little resemblance to a more honest Self that hides beneath.

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Mendy Neralic Mendy Neralic

Knight of Pentacles - Hold your horses

He’s certainly the least vital of all the Knights and in a role that represents movement, he and his horse do seem to be standing pretty still! But I know people in my life who seem to embody many of the qualities of this Knight. They’re intelligent, but often just need more time to come around to things, and see value in “measuring twice and cutting once.

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Mendy Neralic Mendy Neralic

3 of Wands - a break-through moment(-ous)

Chronologically, a three suggests that what emerges is in its early days, so you might only be aware of glimmers, or suggestions of the new thing. Just like in the card image - it's impossible to tell from this viewpoint what the tiny ships in the distance carry or their purpose - and whether they’ve just set sail or are coming to shore. But it feeeeels like there is something quite big, vast, even mysterious happening

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Mendy Neralic Mendy Neralic

Knight of Wands - Man on fire

When you’re trying to bring a new attitude into the world as a new action or behaviour, early efforts to express this might fall short or over-shoot initially.

This should not be taken as discouragement, but a sign to keep going - consciously. To develop, refine and mature the rawness into something that can take you in a new exciting direction.

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Mendy Neralic Mendy Neralic

IV of swords - “dead”, not resting

Is the prone, prayerful figure alive or dead? This is my immediate curiosity, and noting some confusion about it. The complete lack of human colouring doesn’t suggest ‘alive’  but then yellow isn't typically associated with lifelessness or death.

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Mendy Neralic Mendy Neralic

Page of Pentacles - Delight in Diligence

This openness to the possibilities and taking a beginner's mind is at the heart of making change in your life which is what many of us desire, right? - to break old patterns and get unstuck?

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Mendy Neralic Mendy Neralic

IV of Wands - Being an Insider

Ceremonies and rituals, are symbolic acts that honour important moments and take us out of the inner-personal-individual focus that can be a breeding ground for narcissism or loneliness, and into a deep knowing, that you are a part of something Greater, including part of a community. Sounds so good, right?

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Mendy Neralic Mendy Neralic

IV The Emporer - No Doubt

I’m drawn to the regalia adorned by the Emperor, and ceremony implied in the image - and am curious how these symbols within the archetype have potential for transforming self doubt.

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Full Moon Tarot Sam Kaczur Full Moon Tarot Sam Kaczur

5 of Wands - Argy Bargy

I can almost hear the kerfuffle too… can you? Listen … The clack-clack of wands bumping into each other, voices rising and falling and talking over each other, the shuffle-shuffle of feet, the huff-puff breath … argy-bargy.

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Full Moon Tarot Sam Kaczur Full Moon Tarot Sam Kaczur

0 The Fool - Reinvent Yourself

My sense is underlying any fear-frustration of doing something new, is shame. No one wants to look like an idiot and be subject to ridicule. Shame stops us short, shuts us up, and shuts us down. But, behind anyone who’s ever taken a risk, and tried something new, is either the willingness to look silly, or not caring that much if they come off looking awkward.

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Full Moon Tarot Sam Kaczur Full Moon Tarot Sam Kaczur

8 of Pentacles - Repetition, Reward and Rest

In this way, the purpose of being focussed, organised and attending to details is to produce a rich harvest. Something of substance, that serves to nourish and support you and others in the long run. The notion of harvest also encourages a stopping of work, proper rest in ritual celebration of what’s been achieved, i.e. not collapsing from exhaustion merely to start again tomorrow.

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